How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips (2024)

EVMS Secondaries - Prompts by Year

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    The Eastern Virginia Medical School secondary application wants to ensure that you are a premed student who has abundant clinical experiences and have a track record of academic excellence. The Eastern Virginia Medical School secondary essays are not too long and the questions do not change year after year. The EVMS secondary is a great secondary to pre-write. Read below for more EMVS secondary application tipsto help you answer each question!

    Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has had several students accepted and matriculate to EVMS. So, we know the school well and how to help our students stand out. Work with us through our medical school secondary essay editing packages to help you stand out on your EVMS secondaries and other medical school applications! If you have questions, feel free to contact us below!

    • Personally Tailored Essays
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    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2023 – 2024

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)
    6. Optional: EVMS is dedicated to inclusivity and supporting patients and students from diverse backgrounds. Feel free to share your personal experience or ties to communities from diverse backgrounds. Please explain in detail if you wish to respond. Some examples include but are not limited to race/ethnicity, culture, LGBTQ+, differently-abled/disabled, etc.

    Tips to Answer EVMS Secondaries

    Eastern Virginia Pre-Writing Guidance: Because this secondary does not change often, we encourage students to pre-write this secondary application! And, it’s a state school so prioritize submitting this secondary! Per the EVMS website, “Application materials are considered on a rolling basis, starting October 1 (one year before desired matriculation), and are considered until all positions are filled.”

    • Download ourCracking Med Secondary Essay Workbook and Examples.

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #1: We often get asked, “How do you answer the question ‘Briefly describe your exposure to medicine?’” Many EVMS applicants will write a bullet point list about all their clinical experiences, including all their shadowing opportunities. Dr. Rizal’s and Dr. Mediratta’s goals are to make you stand out from the rest of the applicants. So, we suggest the following:

    1. An overall narrative arc about your journey and lessons learned through your clinical experiences
    2. A list of your clinical experiences, but write 2-3 sentences per clinical experience. Focus on what you learned and your reflections on how that clinical experience will make you be a better physician.

    Contact us if you have questions about how to answer this EVMS secondary essay.

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #2: The Eastern Virginia Medical School secondary essays “What do you think you will like best about being a physician?” and “What do you think you will like least about being a physician?” don’t contain any tricks or special meaning. Don’t try to write the “right answer” on your EVMS secondaries. Instead, follow your heart and gut about what excites you most and what scares you most about medicine. The content in these essays should complement your personal statement on your AMCAS primary application. For example, if you wrote about teaching a patient about his health, you can talk about how you are excited to educate your patients as a future physician.

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #3:EVMS is a community-oriented school and they want to recruit medical students who are interested in serving the Virginia community in the future. It is important to note this in your EVMS secondaries. Additionally, make sure to read our blog post about How to Answer “Why This Medical School?” for tips on how to answer “Why EVMS?”

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #4: The EVMS Admissions Committee favors students who have lived or had experiences in the state of Virginia. Write about your ties to communities in Virginia, including growing up in Virginia or currently living in Virginia or Washington D.C.! Additionally, give specific ways you want to be involved with the local Virginia community in your EVMS secondaries. Many medical students at EVMS’ student body do residency in Virginia and pursue clinical practice in Virginia when they are attending doctors.

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #5:Include stories as much as possible. Ideally, you should write patient stories from your clinical experiences. For example, you can add stories for the following prompts:

    • Briefly describe your exposure to medicine.
    • What do you think you will like best about being a physician?
    • What do you think you will like the least about being a physician?

    EVMS Secondary Application Tip #5: Get our help to edit your EVMS secondaries. We can help you through our secondary essay packages.

    [Read more secondary essay tips:New York Medical College, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), University of Virginia (UVA), George Washington ]

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    How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips (2)

    Rachel Rizal, M.D.

    Changing the trajectory of people’s lives

    Princeton University, cum laude

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    Stanford School of Medicine

    Harvard, Emergency Medicine

    Awards & Scholarships
    Fulbright Scholar
    USA Today Academic First Team
    Tylenol Scholarship

    How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips (3)

    Rishi Mediratta, M.D., M.Sc., M.A.

    Advising students to attend their dream schools

    Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa

    Medical School
    Stanford School of Medicine

    Stanford, Pediatrics

    Awards & Scholarships
    Marshall Scholar
    Tylenol Scholarship
    Global Health Scholar

    stand out from other applicants with our secondary essay edit packages

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    download your secondary Essay Guide

    Use this essay guide and workbook to write standout secondaries.

    How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips (4)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2022 – 2023

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

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    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2021 – 2022

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2020 - 2021

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2019 – 2020

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2018 – 2019

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2017 – 2018

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2016 – 2017

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2015 – 2016

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    Eastern Virginia Medical School Secondary Application Questions: 2014 – 2015

    1. Briefly describe your exposure to medicine. (2,000 characters max)
    2. What do you think you will like best about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    3. What do you think you will like the least about being a physician? (2,000 characters max)
    4. Describe yourself and your medical career as you see it ten years from now. (2,000 characters max)
    5. Please indicate your reasons for applying to EVMS. (2,000 characters max)

    We'll answer any and all your questions about medical school! We typically respond within 1 business day.
    How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips (2024)


    How to Stand Out On EVMS Secondaries: Prompts and Tips? ›

    EVMS is highly competitive, and each year, the medical school receives more than 6,000 applications from which approximately 151 students are selected. The admissions process begins on June 1 and ends in August of the following year.

    How hard is it to get into EVMS? ›

    EVMS is highly competitive, and each year, the medical school receives more than 6,000 applications from which approximately 151 students are selected. The admissions process begins on June 1 and ends in August of the following year.

    How to answer gap year secondaries? ›

    Explain the “Why” Behind Your Gap Year Plans

    Potentially talk about what you're hoping to get out of the experience. Allow your passion to come through and really light up your answer. Medical schools like to see students who have passion and take initiative in pursuing those passions.

    What is the acceptance rate for EVMS MD? ›

    Interview Rate(s)37.7% in-state | 9.5% out-state
    EVMS Acceptance Rate6.6%
    Percent of Entering Class In State48.0%
    Tuition$31, 820 in-state | $56,382 out-state
    1 more row

    How to answer EVMS secondary questions? ›

    Don't try to write the “right answer” on your EVMS secondaries. Instead, follow your heart and gut about what excites you most and what scares you most about medicine. The content in these essays should complement your personal statement on your AMCAS primary application.

    What does EVMS look for in applicants? ›

    We will utilize a holistic process in the consideration of applicants including prior academic achievement and other non-cognitive factors such as altruism, compassion, and empathy.

    Do med schools reject before secondaries? ›

    After reviewing your AMCAS file, the admissions committees at your med schools will either reject you or send you a secondary application . Some schools send all of their applicants a secondary. Others go through an initial cut that is usually based entirely on GPA and MCAT scores.

    How fast should I turn in my secondaries? ›

    Generally it is best to turn in the secondary at least within two weeks after you received it. If the school gives you a submission deadline, try to submit at least two or three days before that deadline. You can imagine that it is extremely difficult and time-consuming to fill out each secondary application.

    What percentage of medical school applicants get secondaries? ›

    A very rough breakdown of percentages you may anticipate up to this point are approximately 25-40% of our applicants will receive a secondary; of those secondaries, we will likely interview ~50%; of those interviews, we will likely accept under 50% including those taken off the waitlist.

    How do you answer describe yourself in secondaries? ›

    Show them how you've already pursued those interests and passions, tell them something about where you come from, or share a lesson that you've learned from experience. Remember to think about your secondaries in the context of your whole application, and be yourself- this is your time to shine!

    What is the best answer for year gap? ›

    When explaining a one-year gap in an interview, be honest and provide a concise explanation. Focus on any productive activities or experiences during the gap, such as volunteering, freelance work, professional development, or personal reasons like caregiving or travel.

    Do most people get secondaries? ›

    Almost every school you apply to will send you a secondary application. Very few do not, as medical schools profit off of secondaries. So, expect to receive a secondary from each school you apply to.

    How many people get off of the waitlist from EVMS? ›

    Acceptance and Waitlist Information

    Also, EVMS notifies students about their waitlist placement. While the waitlist stays active until matriculation, letters of intent and updates are accepted during this period. Usually, out of the 200 waitlist positions per cycle, 75 get offers of acceptance.

    How many interviews does EVMS offer? ›

    Applicant Data
    Characteristic2021EVMS Average (2021-2023)
    Interview Offers240263
    # of Interviews147151
    Seat Offers9996
    New Matriculants8080
    2 more rows

    What is the average GPA for Eastern Virginia Medical School? ›

    Eastern Virginia Medical School admissions statistics

    Their current acceptance rate is just 3.4%. Let's take a look at the average GPA and MCAT scores for recent matriculants: Average GPA: 3.5. Average MCAT score: 513.

    What GPA do you need for EVMS? ›

    Admission is competitive; most accepted applicants have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher.

    How hard is it to get into Virginia Tech medical school? ›

    Applicant Consideration

    The school receives well over 5,000 AMCAS applications each year for under 55 class seats. Candidates need a current MCAT with a combined score of a 504 or above and a competitive undergraduate GPA to be considered for a secondary application invitation.

    What MCAT score is required for EVMS? ›

    A cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (B-) or better. One-year program: MCAT with a minimum score of 503. Two-year program: MCAT with a minimum score of 496. Oldest MCAT date accepted varies by medical school and should be reviewed prior to submitting medical school applications.


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