Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (2024)

Part of the current metagame

Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating.The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great

Focused on: Strikedamage and Dps

Designed for: WvW Zerg

Expansions required:



This build was last updated on June 01, 2024 and is up to date for the June 25, 2024 patch.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skill Bar
    • 2.1 Variants
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
  • 5 Equipment
    • 5.1 Equipment Variants
    • 5.2 Consumables
  • 6 Usage
    • 6.1 General
    • 6.2 Overall Priorities
      • 6.2.1 Surviving
    • 6.3 Detailed Explanations
      • 6.3.1 Battle Standard
      • 6.3.2 Damage


A high burst damage Berserker WvW build with overwhelming damage.

Skill Bar





  • All three options are viable:
    • Dagger/Axe - Burst damage and boon rip
    • Longbow - Ranged AoE damage
    • Hammer - CC and Mobility
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (3)Berserker Stance
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (4)Banner of Tactics
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (5)Signet of Might
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (6)Battle Standard Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (7)Signet of Rage

Template Code


Copy Template Code


  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (8)Great Fortitude if capped on Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (9) Might
























Equipment Variants

  • Feel free to use as much Berserker's gear as you can without dying
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (10)Relic of Speed
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (11)Relic of the Thief
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (12)Relic of Isgarren
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (13)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Frenzy on Longbow
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (14)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Energy Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (15)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Force


    • personal option



  • With Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (16)Fast Hands and Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (17)Relic of the Warrior you have an extremely short weapon swap CD. Use it frequently to maximize the amount of Primal Bursts you use.

Overall Priorities

  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (18)Battle Standard
  • Damage


  • This build has moderate passive defense
  • This build has moderate mobility skill access
    • Use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (19)Whirlwind Attack to move out after spiking
    • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (20)Rush can be used for repositioning or gap closing
      • Drop your target if using it defensively
  • This build has moderate active defenses

Active defense priority Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (21)

  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (22)Warrior's Sprint - for Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (23) Immobilize
    • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (24)Whirlwind Attack
    • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (25)Rush
  • Dodge
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (26)Whirlwind Attack - general use
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (27)Balanced Stance

Detailed Explanations

Battle Standard

  • Prioritize Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (28)Battle Standard on clumps of 2+ downed enemies
    • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (29)Battle Standard only finishes enemies in 180 radius, the smallest circle in its targeting reticle
  • Since Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (30)Battle Standard also rezzes allies in 360 radius, use it on groups of 3+ allies if you have the skill ready


Dagger/Axe Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (31)

  • Start fights in Dagger/Axe, conserve Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (32)Berserk until your commander commits to the fight
  • Once your commander commits, use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (33)Signet of Fury to fill your Adrenaline then activate Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (34)Berserk
    • Make sure you're in combat before pressing Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (35)Signet of Fury. Use autoattacks or Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (36)Dual Strike
  • Use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (37)Slicing Maelstrom Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (38)Blood Reckoning Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (39)Slicing Maelstrom then Weapon Swap to Greatsword immediately for Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (40)Arc Divider
    • Keep swapping weapons off cooldown and follow the priority below
  • Use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (41)Sundering Leap immediately after a Primal Burst skill to refill Adrenaline and deal solid damage
    • Make sure to aim to the side or behind the enemy group, not the middle or in front of them
    • Be ready to Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (42) Dodge immediately after the cast if needed
  • Maximizing the amount of primal bursts you cast by using your very fast weapon swap cooldown is very important
    • If you land your primal bursts and Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (43)Sundering Leap cleanly through the entire berserk duration with Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (44) Alacrity, you should be able to cast Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (45)Blood Reckoning twice before Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (46)Berserk ends via duration extension from Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (47)Smash Brawler
  • Use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (48)Dual Strike any time Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (49)Slicing Maelstrom is on cooldown and you're in Dagger/Axe
  • Try to use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (50)Whirling Axe immediately after Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (51)Slicing Maelstrom on your second swap to Dagger/Axe if the situation is appropriate
    • If everything lines up properly and you extend Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (52)Berserk long enough then Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (53)Whirling Axe will be available just as you leave Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (54)Berserk
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (55)Hundred Blades is situational. You stand still during channel, which means hitting CC'ed, movement impaired and downed foes is the ideal setup for this ability.
    • Generally you should only channel Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (56)Hundred Blades during Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (57)Berserk downtime, but channeling a few ticks then cancelling midway through the cast during Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (58)Berserk can also be valid

Damage priority Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (59)

  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (60)Slicing Maelstrom
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (61)Blood Reckoning - while Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (62)Scorched Earth is on cooldown
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (63)Whirling Axe
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (64)Dual Strike
  • Autoattacks
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (65)Arc Divider
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (66)Blood Reckoning - while Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (67)Arc Divider is on cooldown
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (68)Hundred Blades
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (69)Rush
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (70)Bladetrail - only if no projectile block/reflect, realistically almost never use this
  • Autoattacks
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (71)Whirlwind Attack - save to disengage

Longbow version Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (72)

  • Start fights in Longbow, conserve Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (73)Berserk until your commander commits to the fight, do not use it on range spikes
    • Your damage at range is minimal outside of Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (74)Berserk but using it too early will only lead to padding the damage meter without doing useful damage - don't play to pad the meter
  • Once your commander commits, use Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (75)Signet of Fury to fill your Adrenaline then activate Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (76)Berserk
    • Spam Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (77)Scorched Earth until you get a chance to go into melee, then swap to Greatsword and follow your priorities
      • Don't be afraid to go into Greatsword for a single Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (78)Arc Divider, disengage with Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (79)Whirlwind Attack then swap back to Longbow
  • Make sure to drop your target when casting Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (80)Scorched Earth otherwise it will aim towards the target instead of where your character is facing
    • A Lock Autotarget keybind can be useful for this
  • Since all your Longbow skills other than Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (81)Scorched Earth are projectiles, avoid casting them into projectile blocks/reflects
  • Your Longbow skills other than Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (82)Arcing Arrow all require facing the target at the end of the cast
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (83)Hundred Blades is situational. You stand still during channel, which means hitting CC'ed, movement impaired and downed foes is the ideal setup for this ability.
    • Generally you should only channel Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (84)Hundred Blades during Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (85)Berserk downtime, but channeling a few ticks then cancelling midway through the cast during Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (86)Berserk can also be valid

Damage priority Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (87)

  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (88)Scorched Earth
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (89)Blood Reckoning - while Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (90)Scorched Earth is on cooldown
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (91)Arcing Arrow
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (92)Fan of Fire
  • Autoattacks
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (93)Arc Divider
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (94)Blood Reckoning - while Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (95)Arc Divider is on cooldown
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (96)Hundred Blades
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (97)Rush
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (98)Bladetrail - only if no projectile block/reflect, realistically almost never use this
  • Autoattacks
  • Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (99)Whirlwind Attack - save to disengage
Build:Berserker - DPS Berserker (2024)


What is the best build for Berserker? ›

Best Berserker Build - Double Axe Blacksmith. How many? Grants one weapon (in this case the Double Axe) a massive bonus when it's surrounded by crafted items. Gains two damage on hit, and deals more damage after entering Battle Rage.

What is the easiest Berserker to fight? ›

Harđrefill is definitely the easiest of the Berserker boss battles. If players haven't sought them out on their own yet, this will likely be the first Berserker boss they stumbled upon. His Gravestone is located in a large field of mud in western Nidavellir in Svartalfheim, close to Dvalin's.

What is the easiest berserker gravestone in God of War? ›

11 Skjothendi, The Unerring

This one is the easiest, but keep in mind that any of the Berserkers will put up a challenge, at least at higher difficulties. With that said, Skjothendi's attacks aren't the strongest compared to the rest, and most can be blocked and parried.

Is Berserker the most powerful class? ›

If used on an already strong Heroic Spirit, such as Heracles, they will become empowered to truly extraordinary levels. The abuse of this to create powerful Servants has made the Class referred to as the strongest of all seven classes.

Is Berserker a DPS? ›

did someone along the way forget that berserkers ONLY do DPS and literally NOTHING ELSE.. berserkers have lower damage mitigation than a cloth class and do less dps than a fkin shaman or almost EVERYSINGLE DPS class in existance.

What race is best for Berserker? ›

Half-Orc is the best race choice for a Barbarian Berserker Build in Baldur's Gate 3 because of its extra damage passives and survivability. The Half-Orc's innate abilities, including enhanced critical damage, resilience, and intimidation.

What is the best armor to defeat Berserker? ›

God of War: Ragnarok
  • Berserker chest + Vidar's arm/waist or Raven's. 20.41% (10 votes) ...
  • Steinbjorn chest + Vidar's/other. 20.41% (10 votes) ...
  • Lunda's armor set. 18.37% (9 votes) ...
  • Survival armor set. 6.12% (3 votes) ...
  • Dragonscale armor set. 12.24% (6 votes) ...
  • Other (explain) 22.45% (11 votes)
Jan 18, 2023

Can I get to Sanctuary Grove as Kratos? ›

Prerequisite For Accessing Sanctuary Grove

In order to get Kratos to Sanctuary Grove, the player will first need to complete the main story missions of the game.

How to beat Berserkers in God of War? ›

Berserkers, like most large boss battles, have a large stun meter you can try to slowly build by pressing the attack and keeping your companion peppering them with arrows. Deal enough stun damage to fill the meter, and instead of getting stunned, it will automatically take off a chunk of their health!

Which Berserker Gravestone is the hardest? ›

King Hrólf is easily the most difficult of the Berserker bosses and is one of the toughest bosses in the entire game.

What class goes well with Berserker? ›

For this particular class, the Enforcer archetype is probably what you want to go with. It's really made for this type of role. You could add some interesting flavour by going with something like the Guardian or even an Elementalist if you wanted to go in a different direction.

Is mage or Berserker better? ›

Beserker can kill minibosses easier, mage better for room clearing. So just your playstyle. If you want a mix of both go archer.

Which character is best for berserker set genshin? ›

The Berserker set is perfect for Hu Tao, she has a high CRIT DMG that increases every time she ascends and she gets a ATK boost when she uses her Elemental Skill. Additionally, using Hu Tao's Elemental Skill causes her to lose a set amount of her HP, which more than likely will trigger the 4-Piece Set Bonus.

What is the best feat for Berserker? ›

As such, the Feats suggested in this list are best suited for the Berserker Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3.
  • Weapon Master.
  • Savage Attacker.
  • Martial Adept.
  • Resilient.
Sep 3, 2023

What is the best berserker set in Hypixel? ›

Necron's armor is heavily geared towards the Berserker class granting a large amount of ❁ Strength and ☠ Crit Damage. Wearing it also grants decent survivability. Necron's Armor is the most expensive and most powerful berserker set in the game, making it an late-endgame armor set, thus not recommended for new players.


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.